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Is your traditional decontamination process really decontaminating? 

vH2O2 Bio-decontamination

Traditional decontamination versus vH2O2 Bio-decontamination

InConversation with Dr. Hemalatha Beesetti: Understanding the Need for Enhanced Decontamination Protocols and Processes

In environments where stringent contamination control is critical, such as pharmaceutical manufacturing, cleanrooms, and healthcare facilities, effective decontamination is vital for maintaining sterility and ensuring product safety. Traditional decontamination methods, such as fumigation and fogging, have been widely used but often fall short in terms of efficacy and safety. Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (vH2O2) bio-decontamination presents a superior alternative, offering comprehensive microbial eradication, faster cycle times, and the ability to reach areas that traditional methods cannot. This Q&A series explores the key differences between traditional fumigation and vH2O2, delving into why vH2O2 is becoming the gold standard in bio-decontamination, especially in the context of the EU GMP Annex 1 regulations, which highlight the importance of using validated, effective gaseous decontamination methods.

What are the key molecular differences between vH2O2 bio-decontamination and traditional fumigation in terms of particle size and behavior in the treatment area?

The fundamental molecular difference between vH2O2 bio-decontamination and traditional fumigation lies in the size and behavior of the particles involved. Traditional fumigation, commonly known as fogging, disperses aerosolized liquid droplets of a biocide, typically with a particle size of around 10μm or larger. These aerosol particles, being much larger and heavier, are significantly affected by gravitational forces. This means that once dispersed into the air, they begin to settle relatively quickly, limiting their ability to remain suspended long enough to achieve a uniform distribution throughout the treatment area. Consequently, fogging may leave untreated spaces, particularly in complex environments with difficult-to-reach areas such as narrow gaps, behind equipment, or under surfaces.

In contrast, vaporized hydrogen peroxide (vH2O2) produces molecules that are incredibly small, approximately 0.25nm in size—many times smaller than even the smallest viruses, like Norovirus (38nm). These vapor molecules behave fundamentally differently from fogger aerosols. Due to their gaseous state and minuscule size, vH2O2 molecules are not bound by gravity and can permeate every part of the decontaminated space, including tight crevices, vents, and around complex equipment setups. This vapor-based dispersion ensures that all surfaces are uniformly exposed to the biocide, providing far greater coverage and more reliable decontamination. Furthermore, vH2O2 can pass through HEPA filters, an important feature for environments that require high levels of cleanliness and air filtration, such as pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities and healthcare settings.

Thus, the key molecular difference is that the small vaporized molecules of vH2O2 can achieve comprehensive distribution and thorough decontamination, while larger fumigation particles cannot, making traditional fumigation less effective in environments requiring stringent contamination control.

How do hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anions in vH2O2 bio-decontamination interact with microbial cell structures, and why is this process more effective than the oxidative mechanisms of traditional fumigation agents?

Vaporized hydrogen peroxide (vH2O2) works by producing highly reactive species, specifically hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anions, which interact with the microbial cells through a robust oxidative process. These reactive oxygen species (ROS) have an exceptionally high affinity for proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids—the critical components of cellular structures. When vH2O2 is applied, the hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anions penetrate microbial cell walls and begin to oxidize these vital components.

This process disrupts the integrity of both the internal and external structures of the microorganisms. Externally, the cell membrane and cell wall proteins and lipids are degraded, resulting in a compromised cell structure that can no longer protect the microorganism from its environment. Internally, the oxidative damage affects proteins that are necessary for metabolic functions and nucleic acids (such as DNA and RNA) required for replication and cellular processes. As a result, the microorganism is not only prevented from replicating but also loses its ability to perform basic life functions, leading to cell death.

This oxidative mechanism is highly effective because it simultaneously targets multiple aspects of the cell’s structure and function. Traditional fumigation methods, which often rely on larger liquid-based droplets, are limited in their ability to penetrate microbial cells with the same efficiency. The liquid biocides used in fumigation must make direct contact with microorganisms to exert their effect, and this contact is often hindered by the limited diffusion of aerosolized droplets. Additionally, the oxidative agents in fogging methods tend to be less reactive and present in lower concentrations, making them less effective at achieving the same level of microbial destruction as vH2O2.

vH2O2’s ability to generate highly reactive radicals that oxidize and dismantle microbial cell structures both externally and internally makes it a far more potent decontamination method than traditional fumigation.

Why does vH2O2 bio-decontamination achieve higher parts per million (ppm) concentrations compared to traditional fogging, and how does this impact the efficacy of microbial reduction?

Vaporized hydrogen peroxide (vH2O2) systems are engineered to achieve significantly higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide vapor in the decontamination area, typically ranging from 300 to 800 parts per million (ppm). This is substantially higher than traditional fogging systems, which struggle to exceed 100 ppm under real-world conditions due to the limitations of liquid-based aerosol generation.

The reason for this difference lies in the state and efficiency of the vH2O2 delivery system. vH2O2 is a gas-phase decontaminant, which allows for a more efficient generation of vapor molecules. In systems like CLEAMIX, over 90% of the liquid hydrogen peroxide is converted into vapor form, allowing for precise control over the concentration levels in the treatment area. The vH2O2 system continuously monitors the environmental parameters, such as temperature, relative humidity (RH%), and relative saturation (RS%), to maintain an optimal concentration of vapor throughout the decontamination cycle.

Traditional fogging systems, on the other hand, rely on aerosolized liquid droplets, which are not as efficient at maintaining high concentrations in the air. The larger droplets produced by fogging settle more quickly and are less able to sustain high ppm levels for extended periods. This limitation reduces the overall efficacy of the fogging process, as the concentration of the biocide in the air may not be sufficient to fully neutralize microorganisms, especially in large or complex spaces.

The ability to achieve higher ppm levels with vH2O2 is critical for achieving a consistent 6-log10 microbial reduction, which is the standard required in pharmaceutical and healthcare environments. Higher ppm concentrations ensure that the vapor permeates all areas and remains in contact with microorganisms for the necessary duration to achieve complete decontamination.

How does the real-time monitoring of environmental parameters like Relative Saturation (RS%) and Relative Humidity (RH%) in vH2O2 systems enhance decontamination control and safety compared to traditional methods?

Real-time monitoring of environmental parameters, such as Relative Saturation (RS%) and Relative Humidity (RH%), is a crucial feature of advanced vH2O2 bio-decontamination systems. These parameters directly influence the behavior of vaporized hydrogen peroxide and ensure that the decontamination process is both controlled and efficient.

RS% refers to the amount of water vapor present in the air relative to the maximum amount that the air can hold at a given temperature. If the RS% is too high, it can lead to condensation, which could cause harmful residues to form on surfaces or equipment. By monitoring RS% in real-time, vH2O2 systems can prevent vapor saturation, ensuring that the hydrogen peroxide remains in its vaporous state rather than condensing into liquid form. This is particularly important in environments with sensitive electronics or delicate equipment, as condensation can lead to corrosion or other forms of damage.

Similarly, RH%—which measures the moisture content in the air—affects the efficacy of the decontamination process. Too much moisture in the environment can dilute the vapor concentration, reducing its ability to effectively neutralize microorganisms. By continuously monitoring RH%, vH2O2 systems can adjust the vapor output to maintain the ideal conditions for decontamination, ensuring that the hydrogen peroxide remains at the target concentration throughout the cycle.

Traditional fumigation methods typically lack this level of control. Fogging systems do not monitor or regulate RS% and RH% in real-time, which means they cannot adjust to changing environmental conditions. This can lead to inconsistent results, with areas of under- or over-decontamination. Additionally, without real-time monitoring, there is a higher risk of residue formation, which can compromise the safety and integrity of the decontaminated space.

By providing real-time control, vH2O2 systems ensure that the decontamination process is both safe and effective, minimizing the risk of damage to equipment and ensuring thorough microbial neutralization.

What advantages does vH2O2 offer in decontaminating environments with complex HVAC systems or HEPA filters, and how does this compare to the limitations of fumigation?

One of the most significant advantages of vH2O2 bio-decontamination is its ability to penetrate and decontaminate complex environments, including those with HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems and HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters. The vaporized molecules of vH2O2, being only 0.25nm in size, are small enough to pass through HEPA filters, which typically capture particles as small as 0.3μm. This capability allows vH2O2 to not only decontaminate surfaces but also air handling systems, which are critical in maintaining the sterility of environments like pharmaceutical cleanrooms or surgical suites.

In contrast, traditional fumigation methods rely on larger aerosolized particles, which are typically 10μm in size. These particles are too large to pass through HEPA filters and are often trapped within the filtration system, meaning that the air circulation components themselves are not effectively decontaminated. This can leave potential reservoirs of contamination within the HVAC system, which may reintroduce microorganisms into the environment after the decontamination cycle is complete.

Moreover, vH2O2 vapor can evenly distribute throughout the entire air handling system, including ducts, vents, and filters, ensuring that all components are thoroughly decontaminated. This is especially important in environments where air circulation plays a crucial role in maintaining sterile conditions. By fully penetrating the HVAC system, vH2O2 minimizes the risk of airborne contamination and ensures that the entire environment, not just exposed surfaces, is effectively treated.

Fogging systems, on the other hand, struggle to achieve this level of penetration. The larger aerosol particles tend to settle before they can fully circulate through the air handling system, limiting their reach and leaving critical areas untreated. This limitation makes traditional fumigation less effective in environments that rely on complex air filtration and circulation systems for contamination control.

How does the breakdown of vH2O2 into water vapor and oxygen during the aeration phase minimize residual risks, and why is this important for environments with sensitive equipment?

One of the major advantages of vH2O2 bio-decontamination is that it naturally decomposes into harmless byproducts—water vapor (H2O) and oxygen (O2)—during the aeration phase. This decomposition process minimizes the risk of residual chemicals remaining in the decontaminated environment, which is critical for maintaining both equipment safety and personnel health.

In sensitive environments like pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, healthcare settings, and laboratories, there is often a significant amount of delicate equipment, including electronics, sensors, and medical devices. Residual chemicals from traditional fumigation methods can be corrosive or leave behind harmful residues that damage sensitive materials, shorten the lifespan of equipment, or lead to malfunctions. Even small amounts of residue can interfere with the precision and accuracy of scientific instruments or medical devices.

vH2O2’s ability to break down into water vapor and oxygen eliminates these concerns. Once the decontamination cycle is complete, the aeration phase begins, during which the vH2O2 vapor is naturally converted back into its harmless components. This means there is no need for extensive post-decontamination cleaning, and the risk of chemical residue harming sensitive equipment is virtually eliminated.

Traditional fumigation methods, in contrast, often use liquid-based aerosols that require extended aeration periods to allow the chemical residues to dry and dissipate. These residues can be corrosive, particularly to metals and electronics, and may pose health risks to personnel who come into contact with them. Additionally, the longer aeration times required for fumigation mean that treated areas must remain closed for extended periods, delaying their availability for use.

By minimizing residual risks, vH2O2 ensures that decontaminated areas are safe for immediate use and that equipment remains intact and fully operational.

What does the EU GMP Annex 1 guideline specify regarding the use of vH2O2 versus traditional fumigation, and how do these regulations influence decontamination protocols in sterile manufacturing?

The EU GMP Annex 1 guidelines, which govern the manufacture of sterile medicinal products in the European Union, provide specific recommendations for decontamination processes used in critical environments like cleanrooms, Restricted Access Barrier Systems (RABS), and isolators. These guidelines emphasize the importance of using validated, automated bio-decontamination systems that employ gaseous or vaporized decontamination agents, such as vaporized hydrogen peroxide (vH2O2).

The guidelines explicitly mention the use of vapor-phase hydrogen peroxide (vH2O2) for decontaminating cleanrooms and associated surfaces, while they do not endorse the use of aerosol-based fumigation methods for such critical environments. This is due to the limitations of fogging in terms of coverage, efficacy, and the potential for leaving harmful residues. The guidelines require decontamination processes to be thoroughly validated, with defined cycle parameters that ensure a consistent and reliable microbial kill rate. vH2O2 meets these requirements due to its superior penetration, high parts per million (ppm) concentrations, and real-time monitoring capabilities, which allow for precise control over the decontamination cycle.

In contrast, traditional fumigation methods are not mentioned as acceptable for such environments, largely because they cannot guarantee the same level of efficacy or consistency as vapor-based systems. Fumigation is also associated with longer cycle times, higher risk of residue formation, and potential adverse impacts on the product or equipment within the decontaminated space.

The EU GMP Annex 1 guidelines significantly influence decontamination protocols in sterile manufacturing by mandating the use of advanced decontamination technologies like vH2O2, which provide greater reliability, safety, and compliance with regulatory standards. Manufacturers who wish to meet these guidelines and ensure the safety and sterility of their products are increasingly turning to vH2O2 as the decontamination method of choice.

From a cost-efficiency standpoint, how does the use of CLEAMIX vH2O2 technology compare with traditional fumigation in terms of operational costs and consumable usage?

CLEAMIX vH2O2 technology is highly cost-efficient compared to traditional fumigation methods, both in terms of operational costs and consumable usage. One of the main factors contributing to this efficiency is the superior conversion rate of hydrogen peroxide into vapor form. CLEAMIX systems are over 90% efficient in converting liquid hydrogen peroxide into vapor, allowing for longer decontamination cycles with minimal consumable usage. This means that even a small amount of hydrogen peroxide can be used to generate vapor for several hours, significantly reducing the amount of consumables required for each decontamination cycle.

Additionally, CLEAMIX systems do not require the use of proprietary hydrogen peroxide solutions, which can be prohibitively expensive. Instead, they can use standard food-grade hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 35-50%, which is readily available and far more cost-effective. In contrast, many traditional fumigation systems rely on proprietary consumables, which can cost upwards of $100 per liter, adding significantly to the overall cost of decontamination.

Operationally, vH2O2 systems like CLEAMIX offer shorter cycle times compared to fumigation, meaning that treated areas can be returned to service more quickly. This reduces downtime and increases the overall productivity of the facility. Traditional fumigation methods, with their longer aeration times and higher risk of residue formation, often require extended shutdowns of the treatment area, leading to higher indirect costs associated with lost operational time.

Furthermore, the real-time monitoring and control capabilities of CLEAMIX vH2O2 systems ensure that the decontamination process is always optimized for efficiency, reducing the risk of overuse of consumables or extended cycle times. In comparison, fumigation systems are less precise and may require additional cycles or longer treatment times to achieve the desired level of decontamination, further increasing operational costs.

CLEAMIX vH2O2 technology offers a more cost-efficient solution by reducing consumable usage, shortening cycle times, and eliminating the need for proprietary chemicals, while providing superior decontamination results.

About Dr. Hemalatha Beesetti

Dr. Hemalatha Beesetti holds a B.Sc. in Bioinformatics & Biotechnology from Acharya Nagarjuna University and an M.Sc. from SRM University, where she received a University Gold Medal for academic excellence. She earned her PhD in Biological Sciences (Virology) from BITS Pilani, Hyderabad, focusing on inhibiting the dengue virus. Dr. Beesetti’s career includes a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at ICGEB, New Delhi, in collaboration with Sun Pharma, followed by a Diploma in Vaccinology from the Institut Pasteur, France. She held industry roles at Sun Pharma as a Bioanalytical Scientist, and at FNDR as a Virology Scientist, working on vaccines and antiviral therapies. In 2023, she became the Chief Scientific Officer of DECX Technology, overseeing the introduction of Finnish bio-decontamination technology in India, and in July 2024, she was appointed Director on the board of DECX Technology Pvt. Ltd.


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